Compiling the backend

You should do this on a system similar to the system you will be using the backend on i.e. use same Linux distribution. Compiling on a different Linux distribution should work as long as the Elixir you use to compile does not depend on too-new a glibc. (Of course, you can just do this on the server you will be running the backend on.)

  1. Install Elixir on your system. Make sure the versions are at least those listed here. Following the instructions here is fine. If you want to use a version manager like asdf, that should be fine too. (But we do the former.)

    After installing Elixir, set up the dependency manager: mix local.hex --force && mix local.rebar --force

  2. Clone the cadet repository: git clone

  3. Enter the directory and install dependencies: MIX_ENV=prod mix deps.get

  4. Build: MIX_ENV=prod mix release

  5. The release archive is at _build/prod/cadet-0.0.1.tar.gz.

  6. Return to the guide you came from.

Configuring the backend

The backend in production mode loads its configuration from /etc/cadet.exs by default. You can specify a path in the environment variable CONFIG to override this.

Copy the example configuration to /etc/cadet.exs (or some other location, if you are overriding the default), and edit the values. If you are following the Terraform deployment, you will upload the file to your configuration bucket instead.

In particular, you should edit the CORS allowed origins (cors_endpoints), the database credentials, as well as all the AWS resource names and ARNs to match those you have created, if any. Also set up the authentication configuration; you may wish to check out the authentication guide.

If you are following the Terraform deployment, you can search and replace <unique-identifier> in the example configuration which should give you the correct name for all the AWS resources.

Once done, return to the guide you came from.