Frontend deployment

The frontend can be deployed on any static site hosting service that supports SPAs.

Deployment methods

Manual deployment

  1. Clone the frontend repository: git clone

  2. Enter the directory and install dependencies: yarn install --frozen-lockfile

  3. Configure the frontend for your deployment. See the frontend README, as well as the production-specific configuration. Also set up the authentication configuration; you may wish to check out the authentication guide.

    Additionally set (in the .env file) PUBLIC_URL to be the URL of your deployment. For example, If you are not deploying to the root of the domain, you must specify the full path as well. (Note that deploying to a subdirectory is untested and may not work.)

  4. Run the build: yarn run build

  5. The build is output to build/. Upload the files to your web host.

  6. Ensure that your web host is configured to route all non-existent paths to the root (i.e. / or /index.html). This might be done through a .htaccess file if your host uses the Apache httpd.

  7. Done!

To update the site, simply repeat steps 4 onwards after pulling and/or making your desired changes.

Static site host deployment

The stack used by the frontend is very common and quite well-supported. Some services include Netlify, Vercel, Render, Surge, and Cloudflare Pages.

Most of these services are able to integrate with a GitHub repository and deploy automatically on push.

  1. First, fork the repository.

  2. Create a new site in your preferred service, and select your forked repository.

  3. Set the build command to yarn run build, and the build output directory to build/. If needed, specify the command to install dependencies as yarn install --frozen-lockfile. Consult your service’s documentation on deploying Yarn (or Node.js) projects for more information.

  4. Configure the frontend. Instead of using a .env, you should be able to set environment variables using the service’s interface or configuration file.

    See the frontend README, as well as the production-specific configuration, for the environment variables to configure.

    Additionally set PUBLIC_URL to be the URL of your deployment. For example,

  5. Trigger a build using the service.

  6. Ensure that your web host is configured to route all non-existent paths to the root (i.e. / or /index.html). Consult your service’s documentation on deploying single-page apps (SPAs) for more information. (Note: GitHub Pages does not support this.)

  7. Done!

To update the site, you should be able to push directly to your fork.